9/12/24: /blog and /wiki landings outfitted with placeholder formatting. All images moved to /images. Existing blog articles moved to /blog. Some pages moved to /unsorted for directory declutter.

8/7/24: Continued efforts to page directory rearrangement. /blog category created. /blog/aboutme and /blog/aboutgear work-in-progress.

7/30/24: Minor updates to /neath/arch, /neath/visuals, and /music/meter. Site font is experiencing issues and will not work as of present.

7/3/24: Page directory arrangement under renovation.

6/30/24: Added throwback screenshots for first and second revisions of the site's early history.

6/24/24: New entry in /neath/arch, RSS feed update issued.

6/20/24: Image reference in /music/meter.

6/19/24: RSS support added.

6/18/24: New entry in /neath/arch.

6/6/24: Further additions to /neath/arch.

6/4/24: Minor addition to /neath about Linux. New page: /neath/arch

5/23/24: Added neath/visuals gallery.

5/16/24: Changed /about to /neath. Added /neath/music page for talking about musical explorations.

5/15/24: Wait, woah woah woah, how did I just now figure out directories and how useful they are?

5/1/24: New month! Removed all old-format CSS from site, credit added for new format on About page. Added more personal writings to About.

4/19/24: Minor CSS experimentation. Added info below Mimic image box.


First major lore writing since the Mimics writeup from '22! I've had the idea for about a month, but despite how much I wanted to write and be able to add more to the site's repetoire, it took me a long while to get my thoughts on the concept together into a cohesive vision. Even the current version is contained in a work-in-progress disclaimer, on account of being just a first draft, and may undergo revisions,* but I'm glad to have it out there. I miss worldbuilding and writing as a whole so much.

(*I definitely don't imagine Mimics won't eventually be revised either. It was basically a first draft as well.)

4/18/24: Added overview summary first draft to Biology. Changed phrasing of Mimics link paragraph. Added slightly more text to About site information section. Changed frontpage 'check out [new content]' to direct to Biology.

4/13/24: Created and added a trans flag asset to About.

4/13/24: Added more information to About.

4/12/24: Placeholder subject images given to every overview page, with the exception of Characters & Story. Spaced out the links on homepage table-of-contents to make the links easier to click.

4/12/24: Respective pages given to every overview link on home index. None have yet been populated with any information, and remain empty.

4/12/24: Old wiki directory scrapped, Mimics article can still be accessed through unfinished biology page.

4/8/24: Fixed an error where I was still dating entries made in this year as 2023 and not 2024.

4/6/24: Uhh, hi again. Immediately after that last entry, I found this entire page's CSS completely broken and unreadable so I guess I'm forcibly updating it to the new format!

4/6/24: Nothing new to report on major site renovations, but I got back into practicing 3D modeling in Blender today. I don't think I've really mentioned it outright anywhere else on this site but I mean for it to be a gallery/archive of my non-writing art projects as well as the (as-of-now) more prevalent text-based artistic expression.

Hopefully I'll have some stuff to share here soon! Also look forward to music snippets, been doing sound design on my synth ever since I got in in December.

4/1/24: Reformatted CSS of article on Mimics

3/19/24: The site is currently undergoing a massive rehaul of every one of its facets of structure, don't expect anything to work right now.

12/12/23: Big things coming. The rabbitholes are about to go deep.

11/16/23: Oh, wow. I accidentally picked a perfect day to issue a log entry. It's been perfectly a year and one day since the last one. November 16th, 2023! I've not been updating much, brain entirely transfixed upon Rain World at the moment. Gotta get back to this though, It's fun.

11/15/22: Changelog merged with Log page.

11/5/22: To-Do and Changelog removed from sidebar, replaced with Page Sections and Related Pages.


The wiki page about the Celestial Planes concept may have been the first of the wiki pages, but now being done with the fresh lore writeup about the Mimics, I'm feeling that that one is the real beginnings of things here. I'm very proud of that one, you have no idea. I know that there's only two pages at this time to be 'choosing favorites' from but that one's my absolute favorite so far.

10/14/22: Second wiki page: Mimics

10/14/22: First wiki page: Celestial Planes

10/13/22: Every site link now leads to something!

screenshot of site's second revision

10/12/22: WOW big update, site looks nice.

images/screenshot of original site appearance

10/11/22: Site created.